1. Our wedding! September 12, 2008. We had an amazing time! It was everything we could've asked for. If you want to see our photographer's photos, go to www.karikochar.com, and click on "Client Access" under "Info." Our wedding should be one of the first things on there. Password is AnnaRyanWedding. Here's a few of our faves (don't mind the copyright writing, sorry):

2. As soon as our wedding weekend was done, the process of prepping for upcoming RTW trip started. This included selling Ryan's truck, selling as much as our stuff as we could at a garage sale, and moving out of our apartment. Shocker: it's utterly amazing how much "stuff" people can accumulate. We had so much to get rid of, and in the end, it's a great feeling to rid of all that baggage. We ended up donating all the stuff we didn't sell. No photos, as we were much too busy to take pictures. It was two weeks before we got to #3 on our list, and a hellish two weeks at that.
3. A week after our wedding, we headed up to Paso Robles, CA for Zac and Anna's wedding at Meridian Vineyards. It was beautiful setting for a beautiful couple!
4. A pre-RTW trip trip. First it was off to Austin, Texas to visit Ryan's sister Jaime, who just moved out there from San Diego in January. Austin was awesome - lots of trees, nightlife, and a big rock! Here's Austin:
This photo is from Freddie's, a cool place that has live outdoor music, and that game washers, which is like horseshoes, but you try to toss a round washer into a golf-hole like hole.
Here is the top of the "big rock," otherwise known as Enchanted Rock, a few cities NW of Austin. It's a big dome-like granite rock, with a rise of 425 ft. in 0.6 miles. We're at the top.
A day after we got into Austin, we drove 3 hours north for Allan and Megan's wedding in Malakoff, TX. A gorgeous wedding right on the shores of a lake!
4. Presently we're in Boston, Massachusetts, to see Anna's brother Peter, who is in his junior year at Babson College just outside of Boston. The leaves are starting to change here, and we are going to drive to Vermont to go "leaf-peeping" as they call it. We haven't been to downtown Boston yet, but so far it's been gorgeous. Photos to follow!
So that's been our life basically since our last post. Wedding, moving out, Austin-Boston trip. It's been a crazy period in our lives, but a fantastic one nonetheless!
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