Our entry into Laos was anything but ordinary. The border between Thailand and Laos (pronounced Lao, the French decided to add the silent "s" at the end for some reason) at this specific entry point was the Mekong River, and the only way across is by boat. It wasn't a very long ride, maybe 2 minutes, and there was Laos on the other side. For those of you who don't know, the Mekong flows through 6 countries in Asia, starting in Nepal and ending in a huge delta in Vietnam.
Right off the bat, we noticed that northern Laos is very relaxed. There were no taxi drivers on the corner calling for our business, no motorbike traffic jams, no beggars. And, they drove on the "right" side of the road again! Strange how a river crossing changes that. Also, Laos has Beer Lao, a very good beer, with a 650 oz. bottle costing just a fraction over US$1, or 10,000 kip. 8,000 kip = $1.
We had decided to go to a small town called Muang Sing, known for its trekking to hill tribe villages, as we hadn't done any popular treks in Thailand. After getting a good night's sleep, our bus took us north to Luang Nam Tha, where from there we could continue to Muang Sing. Little did we know that that night, we would meet someone who grew up in the Santa Ynez Valley, where Anna is from. Small world, huh? We fell in love with the Laos comfort food, a soup called khao soy that has rice noodles, chicken, cilantro, green onion, and sometimes lettuce and chilis, and is just so good anytime of day. Especially since the weather turned cold! Our jackets had been at the bottom of our packs since mid-Australia, but mornings and evenings here were downright chilly. It was a wonderful change.
Once in dusty, breezy Muang Sing, ourselves and a German/Thai couple haggled with a tour operator over getting a decent price for a trek into the nearby mountains. We won, and our trek started early the next day. It turned out to be 6 of us, another couple had joined us that morning. However, an hour into our hike, we got narrowed back down to just Ryan and I. The German/Thai couple were just a bit too out of shape to handle the hour uphill that we started out with, and the other Israeli couple dropped out because the guy had food poisoning. Well, that was fine with us, as we got one guide to ourselves and our own pace.
Khamla was our guide, and completely stoked on his wedding that had taken place the week before. He had his camera, and showed us just about every photo he could during our breaks. Laos weddings mean the whole village and all the towns around are invited. He said 1,000 people were there, they slaughtered a water buffalo or two, and cases upon cases of Beer Lao and lao-lao were consumed. It sounded like great fun, we wished we had been there a week earlier!
The hike itself was just okay. We saw no wildlife, though Khamla said there were bears (little Asian bears) around. It was a little disappointing. Adding to that was walking through areas that had been burned, because that's how they clear land here. We hadn't seen blue skies since southern Thailand because of all the fires there and here. As people who do what they can to help the environment, it was hard seeing that and not being able to do anything about it.
We ended up trekking more than 20 kilometers that day, and when we finally limped into the Akha village where we'd be staying and heard we got traditional massages later, we almost (if we could have) jumped for joy. Khamla led us to the chief's house, who wasn't home yet; he was at the market buying some things they couldn't grow. On our way in, we'd seen some women and children bathing in a special area of a stream they'd blocked off, which is where we ended up a bit later. The women wear sarongs in the water and the men wear their underwear; the men definitely get the better end of the deal. Anna barely got her legs and face washed, while Ryan was able to soap up pretty good.
Khamla never ended up introducing us to the chief. We figured out who it was because he was the most well dressed man in the village, in a black button-down and black jeans. We didn't even eat with him, just with Khamla and a man who prepared us dinner, which was yummy! Banana flower soup with pork, vegetables with pork, sticky rice, and the famed lao-lao, a rice whiskey that most villagers make themselves. The shot glasses were passed just a few times, but it was enough to make us feel it, as we hadn't drank enough water that day.
For bedtime, 3 mattresses had been arranged on the floor, with pillows and everything. They sleep comfortably here. The traditional masseuses came in, dressed in their traditional garb, and began the most interesting massages we've ever received. They don't have the soft hands of professionals, and it was a bit aggressive, but we were still extremely grateful for their hospitality.
The chief's and his family's house
which they get at age 15, and wear for the rest of their lives.
The next morning we got a "traditional" breakfast of baguettes, omelet, butter and jam ("yam," as they pronounce it) while Khamla ate his omelet with rice, then started off back toward Muang Sing. The trail took us through 4 more villages of Yao and more Akha people, including one stop at a school full of kids at recess. I'm sure they'd seen a camera before, as tourists do go through this area, but they were ecstatic every time Anna would take a picture of them, then show them their faces on the screen. Friendly kids, just what we'd expected of village kids in Laos.
The next couple of days consisted of errands, and ultimately our next destination was east, in Muang Ngoi. The transportation to get there consisted of 3 bumpy crowded bus rides and an hour long boat ride up the Nam Ou river. We met several people from the States on our way, including Lisa and Ryan, and a solo traveller named Ryan. Lisa decided that since it was so close to St. Patrick's Day, it was destined that these 3 Ryans would meet! A cute puppy also entered our path at one point:
Mountains, boats, and water buffalo was the scenery for the boat ride. If the sky hadn't been so hazy, it would have been downright beautiful. This is a spectacular area, and we can only imagine what it can be with clear skies!
Unfortunately, something we ate made us wish that we'd stayed up north. Both of us were up all night with bad cases of food poisoning, that left us laying in bed all the next day as well. So much for enjoying civilization. We still don't like to think about that night, or the food that may have caused it.
Enter: another valley. Once we knew we'd live, and after we'd stayed in Luang Prabang a couple more days than we would have liked, it was time to venture to the capitol of Laos, Vientiane. The bus ride there took 9 hours, with a quick stop for lunch. It didn't help our sensitive stomachs that the ride was twisting and bumpy, nor that several people around us got sick en route. As soon as we started looking for guesthouses in Vientiane, they started telling us they were full. Ryan wasn't feeling well after the bus ride, so as soon as we found a semi-decent room for an extravagant price (everything is more expensive!) we turned on the TV and rested. We vowed to get a better place the next day, and that's exactly what we did.
We ended up at the Laos Orchid Hotel, a beautiful place that inlcuded breakfast, for way more than we were used to paying, but which we mentally and physically needed. Anna had hurt her toe in Indonesia, and had hurt it again the day before, Ryan's stomach was still sensitive, and our moods were not very bright. The weather was back to very warm, but now included rain as well.
We tried to uplift our moods by indulging in a bottle of white wine (cold, thanks to the mini-fridge in our room), good Australian cheese, a baguette, and dark chocolate for dessert; a meal like we'd loved to have in New Zealand. The wine was okay, the cheese and bread delicious, and chocolate (Hershey's!) not so good. Our stomachs didn't object, so we took that as a good sign.
The next day, we had a mission to get our Cambodian visas and see the sights. Our delicious breakfast fueled us up for the bikes we rented to get around on. Halfway through our day, the rain started again; luckily we had our rain jackets, but it's dangerous to bike in the rain with all the motorbikes and big trucks around Vientiane. We braked at the Laos' version of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, and slowly (because of Anna's toe) climbed to the top. We got a good lightning show in, then decided maybe it wasn't the best place to be. Our room with the TV with HBO sounded better.
From Vientiane, we booked an overnight bus to the town of Pakse, in southern Laos.The bus has beds instead of seats, so we're hoping the 10 hours goes by quickly.